Developing a Specialty Training Hospital

Dramatically Increasing Survival Rates in LMIC in Africa


Guide a physician-entrepreneur in building a hospital, providing strategic advice on organizational development. 


  1. Team Formation. Helped assemble a founding board of directors with experts in HR, finance, medicine, fundraising, legal, government relations, hospital administration and other crucial areas.

  2. Roadmap for Developing a Robust, Fundable Business Plan.  Advice encompassed:  how to cement the mission and vision, fund-raising, developing a team to help build the hospital, succession planning, financial modeling, the role of education and training in disseminating the medical model, use of  partnerships with educational institutions with a global interest, and more.  


Established a well-rounded, highly committed Board. 

Provided clear, documented roadmap specifying key elements and partnerships and strategies to design, build and operate a new hospital.  Retained to serve in ongoing advisory role.


Mental Health Capacity