Designing, Testing and Evaluating a Novel Intervention to Expand Access to Post-Primary Schooling for Poor Children in LMIC
Approach empowers rural women to generate resources to afford children’s post-primary education.
Conducting evaluation study in Tanzania.
Support provided by a private foundation.
Our East African research exposed a promising intervention for closing the secondary education gap and breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Now, we are testing it to see if it works.
Key Aspects of Intervention
Intervention broadens rural women’s access to economic support for children’s post-primary education by using a public health strategy.
Intervention fills a gap in opportunities for women to help their families break out of the cycle of poverty.
Intervention is cost effective and easily scalable.
Women are exposed to opportunities for their children to receive support in the educational system or pursue less expensive vocational training, and opportunities for themselves to get resources to start small businesses in order to grow their income.
Benefits of intervention are expected to be increased educational attainment for poor children and greater financial security and improved mental health for mothers.
Randomized Controlled Trial and evaluation study expected to be completed in 2025.
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